Understanding Hadoop (NEW)

The advent of big data has changed the world of analytics forever. Big data challenges scalability and big data platforms reshape BI and analytics infrastructure. Hadoop has taken center stage in the big data revolution, and we’ll all need to understand the platform, its ecosystem, and how to work with it. The enterprise adoption of Hadoop is met with mixed responses.

Join us to learn Hadoop basics of Hadoop, understand the realities, sort out the conflicts, and find out where and how Hadoop fits into your BI and analytics future. We will discuss the ecosystem and its intricacies, look at where it will help, and discuss how companies have embraced its usage.

You Will Learn

  • The what and why of Hadoop
  • Hadoop components
  • Technical architecture
  • Core components (MapReduce, HDFS, YARN)
  • Hadoop tools (Hbase, Hive, Pig, Mahout, Impala)
  • Hadoop setup and configuration
  • Hadoop administration and management
  • Using Hadoop: Applications and examples

Geared To

  • Architects, developers, anyone interested in Hadoop

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