Agilists criticize the “big design up front” (BDUF) nature of plan-driven development. Uncertainty early in a project makes BDUF costly and risky. However, the avoidance of BDUF is sometimes misconstrued to mean “no design up front,” which leads to poor quality and high technical debt. Experienced agilists know that what is truly needed is sufficient design up front (SDUF)—enough to galvanize developers around a shared understanding of the problem domain, architecture, and data models. This course introduces an agile modeling approach that strikes the sufficient-up-front and just-in-time balance.
You Will Learn
- Agile modeling values and principles
- Techniques for determining the right level of up-front design
- How to avoid overbuilding solutions by designing for what is needed
- Domain modeling
- Data model patterns
- Data smells and the impact of technical debt
- Continuous integration
- Safe refactoring techniques for making incremental design changes
- How to determine the right level of design documentation that is needed
- Effective collaborative modeling practices for cross-functional teams
- How to minimize the amount of unnecessary rework through reference and conceptual designs
- How to establish iteration zero as an agile practice that gives teams the runway to start delivering
Geared To
- Data warehouse architects, designers, developers, and administrators
- Business intelligence practitioners
- Business analysts and product owners