Manufacturing Analytics

The manufacturing industry has experienced critical changes in previous few years. Global rivalry is more prominent today than ever before. Local or regional manufacturers can no longer hope to achieve a competitive advantage based on location and geography alone. Pricing, process, quality, features and products drive the market and buyers are willing to purchase products from competitors to get ideal pricing or a superior, more suitable product.
Declining profit margins and increasing raw material costs combine with government regulatory compliance policies to create a practically impossible juggling act for even the most sophisticated manufacturing enterprise.

  • Price volume mix analysis is performed.
  • Precise, timely sales and marketing analysis is ensured to analyse results of campaigns and sales team and individual success by category, region, marketing campaign, product and other factors.
  • Cost management is guaranteed along with installed base tracking.
  • Establish and monitor metrics with information coordinated with various systems to enhance production planning and control.
  • Warranty claims and policies are monitored.
  • Factory operations analysis is performed.
  • Deals with all components and errands inside the supply chain including raw materials, shipping, distribution, billing, quality, performance, supplier relationships, and more.
  • Guarantee quality performance, set up key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics and monitor results.
  • Monitor results and set up objectives for shipping performance.
  • Enable lean manufacturing initiatives by optimising all activities, waste, scrap, resource allocations, equipment maintenance and quality initiatives.
  • Streamline throughput of supply chain operations by observing changes in demand, supply and transportation costs.
  • Take timely corrective measures in weaker areas after analysing sales and marketing performance by product distributors, customers, regions and category.
  • Address the issues of the manufacturing enterprise with effective financial reports, profitability by product and customer, sales and distributor performance, credit and billing analysis, cost and volume analysis, and inventory management.

Process and Production Analysis

Manufacturers today are faced with many sources of data: workforce and order planning from the ERP system, order information from MES systems, time and attendance logs, alarm and production data from different equipment manufacturers, various PLC and SCADA systems. How do you link these islands in an archipelago of related data?
We enable you to quickly blend and link similar data to gain deep insights that would have otherwise taken too long to bother. By giving you the ability to analyze live data and historical data without programming, you can answer questions 10 to 100 times faster than ever before.

This dashboard lets you explore the performance of a few dozen orders filled by a manufacturer using its two machines. Browse through the orders that were filled on the left and see how well the production run actually ran by bringing together several data sets on a single dashboard. The Bullet Graph depicts the major metrics that affect production (setup, downtime, run speed). Note how the differences in variance trend between the two machines. Why is Machine 123 running better than Machine 456?

Quality Monitoring

Quality data is critically important but notoriously hard to compile. It often includes data from customers, machines and plants. Unlike other manufacturing BI tools that require database knowledge or IT experience, through our solutions you simply drag and drop to blend data in the same view. You can also combine multiple views on a dashboard to get the whole story on quality.
This dashboard lets you choose a facility by clicking on the map. Then you can see detailed defect information for that facility in the top right view. In the lower right view you can see production (bars) and defects (circles) at that facility over time. Notice how high defect counts generally lead to lower production levels in the days immediately following the defect.

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