In today’s technologically advanced and connected world, people want to access real time information.

PeopleQlik HRMS on mobile enable users to be smart and stay ahead as higher management needs relevant data to make crucial business decisions, mangers want to manage their workforce and employees want to access real time information. For better decision and productivity, HR software needs to be efficient.

If you want to stay connected to your business and want to take action from anywhere and whenever then PeopleQlik HRMS on mobile is just the perfect tool for you. Our HRMS mobile applications have been developed to take full advantage of everything. Our experts are focused to design applications that are totally according to the latest trends of mobile world.

PeopleQlik HRMS on mobile is easy to use and deploy. We empower you to equip your workforce with intelligent mobile technology and enable you to witness a smarter and efficient workforce in action. Utilize your smart phone to enhance the productivity. PeopleQlik HRMS mobile applications are available on all latest app stores such as Apple App store, Google Play store, Blackberry World and Windows Phone Store.

HRMS on Mobile

HRMS Mobile App

HRMS Mobile Application

Key Benefits of PeopleQlik HRMS on Mobile

  • Enable your employees to take real time, intelligent and swift decisions
  • Workforce sign-in and sign-out through the use of smartphone helps organizations to track their employees activities, accurate management of employees time and attendance which in turn provide advantage in Human Capital Management
  • PeopleQlik’s HRMS availability on iOS, Android, Blackberry & Windows platforms ensures broader access
  • Streamline workflow through alerts and approvals
  • Ensure aerodynamic HR processes
  • PeopleQlik Mobile apps offer new Analytics feature that provide access to comprehensive employee data with different reports and charts which in turn enable you to evaluate and enhance your workforce performance.
  • Language is no more a hurdle, PeopleQlik Mobile app’s multi-lingual feature supports prominent languages of the world which makes it a globally renowned technology