According to your variant business and projects requisitions.

PeopleQlik experts have developed shift and scheduling software to better handle different shift employees of your organization. Our ideal HR solution assists you to design perfect shift schedules. It also provides features to manage any required changes in shifts.

You can easily entitle each employee to a shift and highlight dates or weeks when the shifts are valid by following simple setups and scheduling pages.

Shift Management Software

Online Employee Shift Scheduling

Online Employee Shift Management

Employee Shift Change Software Using our Group roster,

Through group roster you can mention dates and weeks when shifts are valid for each group. It also pinpoints employees who have missed out their shifts.

Employee Shift Database Software Shift change

Any alteration in shift is possible according to the project or manager requirement. The time and attendance solution will provide base for time in and out for mentioned shifts and mark presence, absence or late entries accordingly.

Shift Scheduling Software Map employees

You can easily map employees to different shifts by electing them from employee database. You will be notified if you retagged an employee to same or different group.

Employee Shift Schedule Create your schedule

Create variant shifts according to your wish and smartly utilize shift master to identify dates and times.

Group Shift Scheduling Group these shifts

Highlight shift schedules, holidays and weekly offs through shift group master.