InsureQlik insurance policy administration software allows you to execute various core policy processes which include rating, binding, issuing, quoting, renewals and endorsements. InsureQlik policy administration software represents complete system of records for various policies which insurance company has to deal with.
Commercial and specialty insurance lines are fairly complex as they involve different risks and exposures and they involve sales process of negotiation among the agent, carrier and policy holder. InsureQlik Policy Administration software is built to support requirements for operational efficiencies, growth and meet the market demands.

Main Features of InsureQlik Policy Administration Software:

  • Customizable workflows and screens allow you to record all the data elements and cover the specific risk information for transaction and lines types
  • It support the transaction workflows for the new business opportunities, endorsements, renewals, cancellations and reinstatements
  • It benefits the underwriters opt for standardized quoting process by enhancing it through on-line messaging and collaboration
  • It offers plug-in integration points with 3rd part data providers, rating engine and business intelligence integration for reporting and analytics
  • InsureQlik Policy Administration software module gives you the power to efficiently manage all the policies throughout the lifecycle of your products management

InsureQlik Rating and Underwriting rules engine is fairly easy to configure which allows you to:

  • It calculates all the premiums, commissions, taxes and other fees based on configurable rating engines.
  • Validate all the data which user gives through workflow for the triggering of warnings, referrals, compliance notifications and workflow events.
  • It triggers the applicable insuring warranties, conditions, exclusions and other such things from database.
  • You can generate policy and quote documents which are based on an intuitive MS word templates.