Erpisto Movie POS System assists you in the overall management of the movie house to optimize efficiency, profitability, activeness and customer service. Movie theaters need to cater a bucket full of tasks that can cause a great mess. To mop this mess you need to opt for Erpisto POS system that has all the capabilities to align your tasks in a far better way. The experts have equipped Erpisto POS System with all the traits which can entertain the demands of individual movie theater. Erpisto enables the theater staff to handle scheduling, pricing, seating, theater configuration, promotions and discounts efficiently and actively.
Erpisto offers the clients to customize the POS System according to the demands and requirement of the theater. It manages the ticket sales by printing them directly from the POS system which in return ensures the real time inventory tracking. Start raising your sales and reduce wait time for movie lovers with innovative Erpisto Movie POS System.

Erpisto Movie POS Key Features

  • Erpisto keep your lines moving with its lightning fast transaction speed.
  • There will be no stumbling block between movie lovers and their favorite scenes due to internet slow down or power shortage as Erpisto’s always ON mode trait keeps it running despite of any obstacle.
  • Erpisto POS System is purely plug and play solution which makes it compatible for all hardware.
  • Erpisto’s intelligent reporting feature serves you with reports which empower you to make intelligent decisions for your business.
  • Erpisto let you to identify the POS System to ticket sales and concession stands.
  • Erpisto Movie POS System let you to track the number of tickets sold per movie through an executive dashboard.
  • It also performs the tasks of inventory management to keep inventory levels equal to the demands.
  • It also has the ability to prevent overselling a show.