Erpisto Allows the cooks and chefs view in count order of add day to prepare dishes efficiently
Erpisto offers an all-day view feature which is part of Kitchen Display System (KDS). It is designed to make food preparation process more efficient. All day features allows the users in communicating the batches of items which needs to be prepared in kitchen for entire day.
Main Benefits of Erpisto All Day View
Save the Time
You need to cut time which takes to prepare the food throughout the day by having large batches ready before start of the day.
Ingredient Level or Order
You can easily communicate the food amount which needs to be prepared by ingredients and orders.
Less Waste
You can ensure less waste and avoid the spoilage through the preparation of right amount of food anticipation.
Low Costs
You can lower the costs through the determination of right amount of feed preparation and stock levels which are needed on per day basis.