Erpisto kids’ daily activity record management system lets the preschools record daily activity of kids which are categorized under the development skills for specific time and date. The time and dates are specified by the course instructor himself and notes on different activities which are being held are also recorded. Each day kids are required to perform different activities which are present in the record. Both parents and children have access and can know just in time about the day’s activities. Parents have access to the child activities on daily basis which offers efficient monitoring to know about their child development right from their office or home. Searching and tracking of the child activities can be done by the parents from anywhere they want.

Features of Kids Daily Activity Record Management System

  • Preschools have an option to make the notes on activities for specific date and time.
  • Children activities monitoring can be done for the analysis of their development requirements.
  • Parents can always search for the children activity and staff members can do searching for activity of any kid for specific time and date.
  • Instructor have full liberty to plan the day’s activities.

Benefits of Kids Daily Activity Record Management System

  • Records are kept online and daily activity log and reports can be generated.
  • This provides an ease of monitoring their children from anywhere.