Starting from homework creation to its downloading and submission Erpisto homework management system provides it all. It also allows teachers to upload assignments and evaluate students online. This portal provides an easy way to perform searches on the basis of grades and assignment solutions. Both parents and students can view the assignments uploaded by the teachers along with it submission deadline. No late submission are entertained and students can submit their homework online. Teachers can evaluate the assignments and the results can be viewed by both parents and students. Grade wise searches can also be performed which later facilitates in calculating the class average. Each class is assigned different homework and assignments. Instructions are also provided in terms of how to perform the assigned task and the instructor can modify the assignment as well as the due date if necessary.

Main Features of Homework Management System

  • Erpisto homework management portal allows to perform homework searches.
  • Homework evaluation and remarks can also be performed in the portal.
  • Students can upload their homework and assignments after completion.
  • Details and status of the assigned homework can be viewed by both parents and students.
  • Homework creation for students of particular grade, stream along with the due date.
  • Option to attach the documents is also available for homework assignment and submission.
  • Erpisto homework management portal does not allow late submissions

Main Benefits of Homework Management System

  • Erpisto homework management portal is online resulting in quick responses from the evaluator.
  • Students abide by the deadlines.
  • Allows students to ask questions about the assignments.
  • Instructors have complete access to the portal and can mark the assignments online.