Erpisto fee and payroll management system allow you to define the pay charts and fee structures for the staff and students. It not only defines the fee structures according to the grade but also define fee waivers and scholarships.
Erpisto manages the fee collection by school and payments made by students in an organized manner along with maintaining the uniform and books payments. It also allows you to manage the salary structure which can include allowances or deductions. You can also generate the monthly pay slips and maintain them easily in Erpisto fee and payroll management system.

Main Features of Fee and Payroll Management System

Error Free Fee Slips
Erpisto generates monthly fee slips eliminating the need for the manual fee slip generation by its exceptional fee management capabilities.
Customizable Software
Erpisto is an entirely customizable software made to meet the unique requirements of the user. Users have the opportunity to define the fee heads and fee groups and they can also define their own fee terms and set respective value for these fee terms.
Recovery of late fee fines
Through the use of Erpisto Fee Management system, you can easily recover the late fees fines
No Student will be missed
Erpisto ensures that no student gets missed out from inclusion in the fee.
Manual Labor reduction
Erpisto fee management software allows you to speed up the printing of fee slips and fee collection process and it also keeps all the record for the outstanding balance report. Processing of countless fee records can be done only in a few clicks.
Analytical Reports Generation
Erpisto not only reduces the working efforts for fee collection and printing but it also provides plenty of analytical reports to give youcomplete insights of the fee revenue.

Benefits of Fee and Payroll Management System

  • Erpisto School Management System lets you create and maintain the fee structures through the use of configurable and flexible components. Associate the fees with different grades and streams for fee calculation of the associated students.
  • Generate monthly pay slips.
  • Different reports can be run for the view of fee collections, waivers, fines, salary slips and other financial details.
  • Various scholarships and fee waivers can be created and associate with the students for automatic special fee calculations of the waivers.
  • Automatic fee calculations can be done through automated tracking. Payments collection and detailed maintenance activities can be managed easily.
  • Maintain and create the different salary components, deductions, and allowances. Group the salary components and associate it with the staff for the creation of staff salary structure.