Erpisto circular and notice board module is designed for the creation of grade specific circulars and general school notices. Erpisto dashboard provides a display for general school notifications. Students can also view the circulars based on their specific grades in school. You give expiry date which let the circulars expires automatically from dashboard according to the defined expiry date. The notice boards are always up-to-date and the information being displayed on the notice boards are totally controlled by the user. Each grade can have their separate notification bar and circular which can be viewed by anyone on the network.

Main Features of Circular and Notice Board System

  • User is in total control of what notifications and circular to post.
  • Realtime view of circulars to the parents and students related to specific grades.
  • Noticeboard can be accessed by both parents and students.
  • Circulars and notifications automatically expire after the defined expiry date.
  • HTML enabled general notices allows the administrators to edit HTML tags for making the circulars more appealing and stylish.
  • Notification visibility through the dashboards offered by Erpisto Academic Management System for different users.

Benefits of Circular and Notice Board System

  • Easy to update information digitally.
  • No hassle of manual distribution of circulars and notifications.
  • Parents can easily get informed about the announcements.