Features Page

Campusqlik is the new age education management system for improved digital collaboration, Learning Management System and Student Information System

Access Your Report Cards

CampusQlik allows the students check their report cards along with the trend analysis on chats. It is easy for the parents and teachers to see the trends and focus more on the subjects which require special attention

Attendance tracking

Attendance tracking can be done on the basis of day or subjects. CampusQlik academic management software also provide you a graphical analysis which let you check if lower attendance has any correlation with the lower marks

Assignments and Course Work

CampusQlik provides an awesome feature which let students check the assignments posted by the teachers. It is also easy to view the course work and class notes which include exam papers and test in a single click. You can also save the desired documents to your google drive or drop box.

Online Notice Boards

Important announcements can be made through online postings which makes it easy for the various users including teachers, parents and students get access to the notices or key events. All the users can get access to online notice boards through tablets, PCs and smart phones and get all the information related to schools.

Report Cards Checking

CampusQlik allows the students have overview of the report cards and analyze the trends. When you check the trends, then you have more chances to focus on the subjects which require your special attention

Track Attendance

You can easily track an attendance on the basis of subject or a day. Graphical analysis allow you to make a further check if lower attendance has any relation with the lower marks or not.

Student Course Work and Assignments

CampusQlik gives you an opportunity to the students check the assignments posted by teachers on the system. It will be very easy for you to view the course work, see the class notes which include test and exam papers in one place. One click access to google drive and drop box makes data sharing done easily.

Events and Calendar

CampusQlik academic management software let you access the important dates and school events online in calendar format. All the events can be viewed on daily, weekly and monthly basis which enables easy and efficient planning.

Online Notice Boards

Students can go online through tablets or smart phones in order to access online postings which makes it easy for the students get knowledge about key events or notices.

Notice Board Announcement for Staff

Staff can easily access all the key events and notices on online notice boards. Teachers can access everything through PCs, laptops or smart phones.

Be Informed through Online Notice Boards

CampusQlik provides an option of online postings which makes it convenient for the parents to get notified about notices and key events. All the information can be accessed through personal computers, smart phones and tablets available with the parents.

Pay Fees Online

Full payment integration means, no lining up in queue to pay your fees. Any payment to school are managed directly from our secure platform.

Health Records Management

It is easy for the students to access the health and growth records. Information about the health records make it easy for you to track the progress for better soul and mind.

New and Exciting Apps Availability

CampusQlik let you add new apps which can enhance the learning experience. You can add everything from past question papers and guide books to all the exciting and fun applications.

SMS and Email Alerts

SMS and Email alerts are integrated in CampusQlik Academic management software which let the schools alert students, parents and teachers in case of emergencies and key events. You can set new alerts which are required for the school like an automated SMS alert can be sent when some student is absent and you can also send total attendance percentage of that student.

Behavioral Analysis

CampusQlik academic management software alert the parents, teachers and school management at the potential change in behavior of the student on the basis of various inputs like depression symptoms, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder on the basis of social, academic, attendance and other activities performances.

Report Cards Marking and Monitoring

Teachers have an opportunity to check the report cards along with comprehensive trend analysis. They can have a keen eye on the trends and can focus completely on the subjects which require special attention

Mark Attendance

Teachers can mark attendance on the basis of subjects or day. They can also analyze on graphical basis if attendance of any student is affecting its academic performance.

Give Assignments and Course Work

Teacher can publish the assignments, reference material or class notes. System gives an opportunity to the students to view course work and class notes like exam papers and test at one place. Everything can be saved in google drive or drop box based on your needs.

Access Health Records

Teachers not only have an opportunity to access their own health and growth records but they can also monitor the student health and its impact on the academic performance. All the information is available in graphical form in CampusQlik Academic Management software.

New Apps Additions

Teachers have an opportunity to add new apps in order to enhance the teaching experience. They also have complete provision to recommend guide books, past question papers and other related resources to the students which are available in an online marketplace.

Email and SMS Alerts

You can send alert to the students in case of key events and emergencies. All the new alerts are set according to school requirement like it is possible for the teachers to trigger an automated SMS alert to the parents if any student is found absent and it is also possible to send total attendance percentage as well.

Comprehensive Behavior Analysis

CampusQlik Smart and innovative technology alert the parents, teachers and school about change in behavior of any student through various indicators like short attendance, social activities and academic performances.

Report Cards Checking and Acknowledgements

Parents of the students can check the report cards along with the trend analysis. By having a timely look at the report cards, parents can take steps to let their children focus on the subjects which require special attention.

Access Child Health Record

CampusQlik gives an opportunity to the parents to access and check the children health reports submitted by the school. All the information help the parents in tracking progress of their child body, soul and mind.

New Apps Addition

Parents can add new apps that can help them plan their children’s education. There are tools to help plan finances for college education and other educational apps that can enhance their children education.

Alerts via SMS or Email

Every parent wants to plan the best education for children and CampusQlik provides an opportunity to the parents to plan child’s education. There are various tools which help different parents plan the finances for college education and all these educational applications enhance the children education adequately.

Social Profile

CampusQlik gives an opportunity to an alumni network to create social profile which can include links to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram accounts. Social Profile provision enables all the members socialize with the numerous possibilities.

Business Exchange

Business Exchange feature in CampusQlik allows all the alumni members exchange various business ideas and opportunities with senior and junior colleagues at professional level. l


Directory in the CampusQlik School Management Software let the members find batch mates and you can easily reconnect and relive your memories by connecting with them.

Jobs Posting

Members have an opportunity to post the jobs and get consistent updates regarding the career prospects in various fields. It easily enable the new job openings and let the members be in touch with peers, college and school candidates with the related skillsets.

Online Notice Boards for Alumni

It always feel good to get notices from school, college or university as an alumni. CampusQlik let alumni receive various updates from your institution in the form of messages, announcements, posters and notices and schools can keep their alumni informed and engaged.

Powered by Cloud

CampusQlik provides you highly integrated, scalable, cost effective and flexible alumni solution powered by cloud and we ensure its security along with sophistication.

Mentorship Programs

This feature enables the members of the alumni community to form connections with present students and their parents to help them guide through life. This can be helping students with career path, skills development or community empowerment.

Donation and Funds Raising

Donation and funds raising feature can be used by school administrators to raise funds for the charitable causes and school development requirements. This feature also let the alumni make online donations for playing their part in the growth and progress of school, college and university.

Social Network Integration

Alumni members have an opportunity to share LinkedIn, facebook, twitter and Instagram profiles with batch mates and other members in order to collect and relive the old cherished moments.


CampusQlik offer advanced profiling and search functionality which let the alumni share interests and get in connection with the like-minded people who can share knowledge and ideas related to the common interests.

Campus Recruitment Drive

With the CampusQlik recruitment drive offered by CampusQlik, professional colleges have an ability to provide an access to the companies for assessing final year students and recent graduates who are looking to get hired. You can check academic and non-academic performance of the students and contact them directly for an interview.

Student Visibility Enhancement

CampusQlik allow the educational institutions track final year student performance in advance and you can contact and mentor them to a perfect career with the company.

Core Skill Hiring

This feature in CampusQlik academic management software help the students get job in the core areas in which they have studied. Many graduates take the jobs which are not much related to their interests or the courses which they have studied and learned. CampusQlik is the system which enable the companies in searching for the students who are becoming graduates in a specialized industry vertical.

Global Placement in the Global Companies

CampusQlik let the students come in the eyes of national and global companies and they have an information about each and every student graduating from an institution.

Increase an employability metric

You can easily provide an integrated approach in order to manage the academics and ability for providing companies with the data, which offers increased probability to the students for getting recognized and hired by the companies. This process can increase the credibility of an institution.

Complete Control of the Recruitment Process

With CampusQlik, your administrators have complete control and visibility of the companies which are getting in connection with the students. In-depth and advanced analytics let you measure and plan the campus recruitment process efficiently.

In-Campus Recruitment Tools

We provide industry verified tools and the resources for the students in order to prepare for the interviews. It includes behavioral and soft skills learning and training resources for helping students to excel in the campus recruitment process.

Placements Cost Reduction

CampusQlik system help you to decrease the cost of placement and at the same time it also let you decrease cost of recruitment by offering the tools for seeking the right candidates only.

Powered by Cloud

With the CampusQlik educational institutions management software, you don’t need substantial upfront capital investments. With our subscription based options, organizations can focus more on the core business operations. You don’t need to manage any software or hardware as you just need a web browser to manage your institutional requirements.

Business Continuity

CampusQlik takes complete care of the security, uptime and availability for your application. We manage your data with complete security through daily backups which are automated and perfectly managed.

Integrations with LMS

CampusQlik has an ability to integrate with industry’s top learning management systems which offers efficient data sharing between LMS and a CampusQlik platform.

Line of Business Integration

Our experts can help you in integration of CampusQlik with single sign-on, google apps, drop box and other such platforms

Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics

Business Intelligence and analytics let you get instant snapshot of an institution and student performances. Big data analysis and key indicators build the patterns for the prediction of student behaviors institutional performance. All the data and information gathered through business intelligence and analytics can be used for ensuring improvements in overall institution operations.

Simplified Invoice Processing and Cash Flow Improvement

You can make use of student information system provided by CampusQlik for running accounts receivable as native function. It let you avoid the complexities of managing the duplication. CampusQlik enables you to have an easy integration with most of the industry leading platforms for accounting.