Electronic Medical Record or EMR Software is a digital form of medical history of a specific person rather than paper version which has been going around for years. Now, as in this era everything is transforming into smarter technologies, So Cloudpital has tailored an Electronic Medical Record Software which will fit best to your needs in saudi-arabia.

EMR Software differs from EHR Software as EMR is the record of medical history whereas EHR is Electronic Health Record, this record is based on the health record of the patient.
Cloudpital EMR Software is specially tailored for the needs of hospitals of saudi-arabia.

The main benefits of EMR Software are these:

  • Time Saving:

A lot of precious time will be saved as the staff will not be going through big pile of documents to find the record of a single patient. This gives more time to be utilized in life saving activities.

  • Efficient Reception Procedure:

At the touch of a button, the whole medical history of a specific patient will be displayed. Hence, diagnosis will be easy and in time.

  • Details of Patient:

Complete details of the patient i.e. name, age, sex, blood type, residence and last checkup date etc. will be recorded in EMR Software and you can access it on a single click.

  • Custom UI:

Interactive and custom user interface is available, you can set up your home page according to your liking.
Laboratory Reports: Patients laboratory reports will be saved in EMR Software, you can view it any time plus it is time saving and old record of reports is also available.

  • Smart Billing:

Computer generated bills will be provided to the patient which will have comprehensive details of the costs. Also, the patient has the option to pay online or via credit card.

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